Saturday, December 28, 2019

Persuasive Speech Dangers of Smoking Essay - 629 Words

Persuasive Speech Dangers of Smoking Specific Purpose: To inform the audience of the dangers of smoking and persuade them not to. Introduction: 1. Did you know that smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in the United States? 2. According to there is 440,000 deaths a year caused by tobacco. 3. On average every smoker costs their employer almost 2,000 dollars a year in lost labor. By the end of the speech, the audience will be informed about the dangers of smoking and persuade those who smoke to stop smoking. 1. A smoker’s point of view on smoking. A. Why do Smokers smoke? a. According to Matthew, smokers smoke to relieve stress. b. It gives†¦show more content†¦c. Smoking kills your nerve endings making it very hard to taste or smell. d. Your circulation is decreased making hard to do everyday activities including walking. 4. Withdrawals are the hardest part of quitting. a. Withdrawals are both physical and mental. b. It is easy to make excuses to smoke such as â€Å"oh I’ll just have one,† however when you begin to give in to one of these excuses you need to realize that you are and avoid the temptation. c. Changing everyday routines can also help. d. Things such as the route you take to work can trigger an urge to smoke. e. Instead of taking a smoke break from your homework maybe take a video game break. f. Giving yourself prizes or rewards for doing good can also help to quit. g. Even the shortest amount of time that you quit can impr ove your health h. For example in 20 minutes of not smoking your heart rate and blood pressure drops i. In 12 hours, the carbon monoxide in your blood drops to normal j. In 2 weeks to 3 months your circulation improves and your lung function increases. Conclusion: Smoking can be very detrimental to your health and make your life uncomfortable but it is possible to quit. Now that we understand the dangers of smoking and some ways to quit I urge you to reconsider your smoking habits. Bibliography Carr, Allen. The Easy Way To Stop Smoking. Sterling,Show MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech Outline1028 Words   |  5 PagesPERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE TOPIC: WHY YOU SHOULD GIVE UP SMOKING PROPOSITION: Give up smoking and you will save yourself and the others around you and live in a healthy environment. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES/PURPOSES: I want to persuade my audience on how harmful smoking does to the body and giving up the habit is the right way to do because it will literally save their lives and the people around them and the environment as well. SPEECH PLAN ATTENTION STEP: Opening statement: Smoking†¦Read MoreDifferent Types Of Communication Essay1396 Words   |  6 Pagesincludes about 20 people and its a conference or meeting for discussion or training Webinar: has proximally 20 people and its a seminar conducted over the internet. 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